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Category: Science Fiction

Where the story is set in the future, and the science is at least plausible.

Dangerous Hypocrisy

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published June 2, 2023.

I cannot believe the world we live in. Here I am, Prisoner Number 451-1138, convicted of biohacking malpractice, and my job is to fabricate biomods for export to support the government’s revenue. Biomods, by the way, that would land you in here if you sold them in this country. But you can in others, and they have an incredible profit margin. Apparently this is okay.

I guess I just picked the wrong market. Next time, once I’m out.

Better get back to work.

An Important Solution

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 31, 2023.

I don’t know how long I have left. Weeks, hopefully, Days, probably. Hours. Don’t want to think about that.

I’m close. I think I have this solved. And a solution means I live. But it’s tricky. Wait, a door?

“You kids stay upstairs! DO NOT COME DOWN!”

The door slams shut. If I had time, I’d rig up a lock. But this must be solved. At all costs. If anyone else gets it, we’re cooked. Buh-bye, nice knowing you humanity.

The Crucible

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 29, 2023.

The Crucible was ready, the legendary, almost mythical forge used to create the armour and weapons of a bygone age. Now it would make the base material for our next generation of weapons. Instead of swords and chainmail, it would be starships and reactive armour.

We had the materials, sourced from asteroids, not from our home world. And now the final piece, the ancient tool for our modern future.

A Taste of the Future

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 30, 2023.

Mant looked at the box. His box. It had his name. It had his designation: Middle Nire Number 19. Mini’s had a tough job. Working the Nire was hard enough. The middle shift was the hardest. The heat, the extra atmospheric pressure.

And now he was going to see how long he had to continue to serve. The box monitored all. Press the button, see your fate. How long before you expired. Not everyone pushed the button. His finger hovered, he was unsure. Did he really want to know?

Statements and Questions

WARNING: This piece deals in emotionally dark and possibly disturbing themes.

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 27, 2023.

The assistant pointed to me, “You sir.”

“Thank you, Kerry Croc, Bayou Journal. Senator, you’ve been quoted describing something as ‘cold blooded’. Don’t you find that just a bit speciesist? Are you saying that some are uncaring just because they aren’t endothermic?”

The Senator cleared his theropodian throat. “Look, I have scales, you have scales, but, um, well that statement was taken out of context.”

“Sir, the entire statement was ‘that’s cold blooded’.”

“Um, well…”

The New Release

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 28, 2023.

I had them. They were a tool to be wielded, an instrument to be played. Not an audience, but acolytes, followers, believers. They would do anything for me. Anything. With them I could control the planet, the system. They needed only a nudge, a push. And push I will. This time, they would transform themselves, at my behest.

“And all this is available for pre-order starting today, implants begin Friday.”

They cheered. I knew lines were already forming here, the moon, Europa…

The Latest Acquisition

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 26, 2023.

At last, they have it! It can finally be mine! Now, to sort out terms.

“So, how much?”

“What, no ‘hello’? ‘How are you?’ ‘What were your losses?’”

“Sorry, Kel, how….”

“275. In alutite. Now.”

Hmm, that was a lot, and short notice.

“Oh, and by the way, Jor, they’re intelligent. Really intelligent. You might find you will have visitors about this one.”

“Visitors?” I asked. Now I’m worried. Kel is checking a timepiece.

“Yup, you have about, um 22 rels. Better decide quick.”

Existing, Not Living

WARNING: This piece deals in emotionally dark and possibly disturbing themes.

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 25, 2023.

It’s not a life, it’s just living. Each time something stops working or is too damaged, we get another so-called ‘upgrade’. I’m tired. At some point it needs to end, but they won’t let it. The audience demands their show and there hasn’t been a new competitor in a century.

I’m tired, but I’m up next. I sigh, rise, and my new legs carry me to the arena. How much damage would finally end it all?

You Should Be Dancing?

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 24, 2023.

“Oppa gangnam style!”

“No no no, wait! Stop! Just. Stop!” I said, shaking my head. I take a breath.

“But you wanted them to have personality?” Yara replied, both confused and concerned.

I pause. Thinking. “How about something from within the last two centuries?”

Yara now pondered. “I think I have something in mind. Give me 10 minutes.”

The Envoy

A Mastodon writing prompt story. These are science fiction short stories (usually 480 characters or less), based on an image generated by EW Doc Parris using MidJourney.

The stories are originally posted on Mastodon via my personal account.

Originally published May 23, 2023.

Well, I just got my instructions from home, and the next stage of the negotiations will not be pleasant. The humans made some rather, um, radical demands and my government made it clear none of them were going to be acceptable. The Elosians had demands, too, although not nearly as onerous.

My counterparts were good people. They meant well, and they, too were at the mercy of their respective governments. Now it will depend on how much authority they have. Hopefully similar to me.